name: SION
age: 27 years
village:darcokamoru the village hidden in the shadows
appearence: fought in the battle agianst the leaf village with the thunder village in the war of thunder vs leaf he died in a battle but was revied by orichimaru but was cracked and scared and fracture many times and lost his left eye wich is now blood shot is one of the three foundersd of the village in the shadows
the three founders are...
1st darcogake nuhillas, 2nd darcogake sion , 3rd darcogake traya
each learned from a sceret academy withen the land of shadows nuhhlis leaned hunger sion leaned pain and trayya leaned betrayal
jutsu: has a sord that activated by using your own concentraed chakura as its blade and through the brutal teaching on the dirmonochi academy hidden in the land of darkness can heal a considerable aount faster than normal ninja and is at war with leaf and sand villages and allies with akatsuki and sound and thunder villages