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 Snow White

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Snow White Empty
PostSubject: Snow White   Snow White I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 3:43 pm

Name: Rikka Shiro Hyuuga (Snow White)
Nickname: Shii/Rii
Height:5' - 152.4cm
Weight:99lbs - 45.4kg
Village:Hidden Leaf
Jutsu?(opt):The Byakugan, Hakke Kusho (Eight Trigrams Empty Palm), Chackra Needle (Harichackra), Sight of Chakra Nature, Jūken (Gentle Fist), Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique), Hakke Hyaku Nijuha Sho (Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms)) [Not Finished]

Physical description/Appearance:
From birth her parents have had told her that she was a special kid and a very unique one, too. In fact they were always right because of her strange traits. Heidy's hair is long, almost butt length hair of bright silver color and straight style; thick yet silky, her hair falls to her back down to her butt. She always keeps her hair, into a loose pony tail that always tends to rock side to side. Her bangs usually wander before her eyes when she is in action but most of the time her bangs tend to cover her left eye when she's steady and still, in one place.

Like every Hyuuga, she was born with the pale, pupiless, empty, white eyes; nicknamed as The Evil Eye. Unlike some, her eyes are always filled with warmth and innocence yet they usually seem to intimidate others. Her gaze, at times can be threatning when she is angered or upset. Underneath of her right eye, is a visible scar, that starts from underneath her right eye down to her cheek; looking just like a tear. Her skin is pale, giving it a cold feeling yet being the opposite; skin soft yet underneath lie firm muscles.

Around the little Hyuuga lingers, a sweet scent of coco butter. Heidy is quite short and her body is slender. She is considered attractive by most members of the opposite sex, strange for her age and size. Her legs are long, thighs firm and the muscle there slightly more on the surface there than elsewhere. Her arms are fit to the other measurements of her body, her fingers are long and thin, making it seems as if she plays the piano or flute.

Her choice of clothing depends on the situation: At home she usually wears a pale, blue kimono or a big, long sleeve blue shirt with black, tight shorts. Her fighting outfit is more practical and allows her more movement; with tight, black capri pants. With the capri, a sky blue, tight tank top that will move with her body with out problem. For warmth, over the top is usually something extra, a dark, blue hooded jacket with the kanji symbol for Hyuuga on the back of her hooded jacket. On her feet she mostly wears black open-toed boots but at times she might be seen with light, blue sandals. Her head band is mostly worn around her forehead or her neck. She has a golden locket with the word "love" engrave on the front of it, which she always wear but for combat she will put it away on one of her pouches, which are located at her sides: Inside of her locket lay, all of her precious memories from her past, which she treasures with all her might.

Small minimum 5 sentance description on how the character acts? (opt):
Rikka is a weird Kunoichi whose mood changes, just like a storm. But she is usually quiet, shy and keeps everything to herself. She has a strong respect for her elders and never disobeys her masters. Her spirit is always drived by her loyalty, love and stubborness. She is extremely loyal to her clan, and does what it's right for her family. Rikka lacks self-esteem and usually has trouble believing in herself. Eventhought she lacks self-esteem she has alot of courage, hope and strength in her.

Her voice is very soft, by nature and has a fidgetting problem. The kunoichi always pushes herself to the limits, training and meditating on her spare times. She can easily get jealous at anyone who she feels, are replacing her. Her thoughts are always jumble up, giving her light headeaches. She is very open minded to anything and a very good listener. Rikka dislikes people speaking over other's; who do not ask permission to speak, she says it is of bad manners and very rude. She is very gentle, and loves to play. She is very kind to everyone she meets, but not saying that she like everyone she meets. Taking in consideration that people might have bad intentions, she has her doubts about people, just to be catious with anyone.

Rikka has always done whatever her mother or father has told her to do. This gives her a sense of responsibility because she is always doing chores, or training with her masters, she has never really communicated with people outside of her family. It gives her time to think therefore all of her priorities are straightened out. She has a great dislike to those who think bad and talk mess about her clan, it makes her snaped at others who do but usually she does not. She can be very protective over others, especially her people.
Strong point:Byakugan,Jūken

In the end, everything you loved and care for dies away--what you knew before as happiness becomes sadness and fate leaves you but nothing other then sorrow and dispair.

Before Heidy's birth, way before that, two teenagers had fallen in love at first sight. They met in a mission, both of them being on the same team. Their names were Akisha Hyuuga and Hioshi Hyuuga; Akisha was born into the main branch while Hioshi, unfortunate to him, was born into the fate of the other branch.

She never cared the thought of him being in the other side of the branch, and always made the greatest effort to see him, without her father knowing. They couldn't resist seeing eachother, something about eachother, attracked them immensely. They had so many things in common that it shocked them, the only difference from eachother was their fate. In their free time they always met and talked for hours, about anything, from how was their day to random things.

After a while, they knew that it was going to be impossible to keep their meeting a secret. Once her father found out about the secret meetings with the young boy Hioshi, he became infuriated and beated the young boy to the ground leaving him with no strength at all. As for her daughter he punished her severely and forbid them to see each other. They did not disobey his orders yet they made notes to themselves leaving them places where the other would find it and then read, later sending the other another letter.

Hioshi was very angered at her father, he loved her and wanted to see her. He strived to make Dawn's father accept him, even thought he knew it was going to be impossible, he was still determine. After the event with Akisha's father, they were still, on the same team for their luck but their leader being Akisha's father. Everyday, as they would go on missions, Hioshi would strive at his best, protecting Akisha's father, as well as her, even if it meant that blood would be shed.

Seeing this, Akisha's father saw much respect in this man, great courage, and bold movements, he would then, surprisinlgy, grant Hioshi permission to see his daughter. As they began again to see each other, the friction did not stop. Even on missions as they were travelling, they would talk non-stop about wierd things. Such things made them even closer and as they aged, their love grew even more. As they aged to be around their 30's, Hioshi would have to ask her dad's permission to marry her, but he would have to prove much more than just protection to do so for him.

Afterwards, they got a new's, about Akisha's father being out for long in a mission. A mission was assigned to them in search of Akisha's father. Finally they would come upon him and a hyuuga battling still in the heat of the moment. Hioshi seeing Akisha's father falling on the ground hard, got in battle with the other unharmed hyuuga, a missing ninja. They got into a heating battle, Akisha tending her father's injury, and Hioshi finishing her father's assignment. He got injured more then the other Hyuuga, seeing there wasn't a scratch on him. Akisha's father had woken up, still weak to fight and saw Hioshi still battling. Both of them were worried, as they saw Hioshi badly injured. He would glance back at his lover, Akisha. She would be crying as he looked as if he would die, but soon a sudden anger lifted inside his soul, an addrenaline rush like no other took over his body and he began his strikes again. Afterwards winning the battle and falling on the ground from exhaustion, they battled for a whole day.

He was brought to the hospital as well as the ninja he had beaten. Hioshi awoke in the hospital as Akisha's father sat beside him, he told him he would give him his blessings. Hioshi hearing this, made him jumped from the bed and desperately ran to his lover, Akisha, hugging her and kissing her all over the face. Akisha's father smiled but he knew they were going to have problems by the other Hyuugas, mainly the main branch.

Before they would get married they had arguements with the other members of the branch, not accepting a wedding of them and how unhonorable would be for the main branch. They became married 2 months after the incident and the arguements, and that night of their wedding they decided to have a baby, and nine months later a baby named Rikka was born into the main branch.

Rikka was a very cute, adorable baby, making her way around the house ever so clever as her mother ran after her so she would be in no danger. Rikka's father would play with her all day as he got home from work, which he was an ANBU. When her dad would leave for work her mom would cook her meals and tell her stories of their lifetime, which would be very interesting to Rikka and would plead to her mother to tell them to her once again.

Rikka also noticed that she was treated differently then her, what she called, "brothers" and "sisters", unable to be trained by the main branch members which was the only way to do so. She never liked the idea from being treated differently, and more when they treated the other's as dogs. But she had to acknowledge it, as other's told her to. In the back of her mind she though, she would meet these people, and hoped not be looked at, as spoiled.

She was enrolled at the leaf village academy at the age of seven, where she would pay attention in all her classes, and only making friends at lunch or play time. The academy was the only place she could meet different kids, other then her "brother's" and it made her feel great. As she aged she became clever yet a bit naive and stronger. The training would become fierce as she wanted much of it from her father and mother. Her father constantly had to beat her in order to teach Rikka everything he knew, as well as her mother too.

At age ten, after she became a ninja, a horrible event happened, changing Rikka in every way. Her parents were called on a mission, leaving Rikka behind to tend herself. After two days without knowing anything about her parents she became worried. After a while she heard news that Hioshi Hyuuga and Akisha Hyuuga were killed in action by sound ninjas, after hearing that, her world became gloom and dark. She was distanced from others and avoided anyone who wanted to speak with her, unless it was a chore, assignment, or mission. Rikka's determination grew, wanting to become more stronger and agile. She would always think about life and train herself to her limits. Two months after her grandfather, Akito, gifted her a golden necklace with a locket. Inside was a picture of both of her parents together smiling with a baby, Rikka in their arms. She smiled and broke down crying, failing to keep all her emotions bottle up; hugging her grandfather and bowing to him she thanked him for the gift. She made an oath to make her parents and her clan proud of her, she would become stronger in due time.
"My fate will be what I choose and not what other's choose for me."- Rikka.
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Join date : 2008-02-11
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Snow White Empty
PostSubject: Re: Snow White   Snow White I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2008 6:20 pm


It would of been so mean if I said 'not accepted' cuz you obviously worked so hard on it and it's really good! Can't wait to rp with you!!! X3

now just put the jutsus in the 'Jutsu' thread and you're all set!
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